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Oprah raves about acai juice

Written by Laura on Nov 6th, 2008 | Filed under: General

Recently I started to add the acai berry to my regular diet. I managed to get some acai juice from a local distributor and have taken the acai juice to work with me everyday since. It’s tasty and nutritious and apparently it’s going to make me fit and healthy.

I started looking for ways to get acai juice after I saw some really interesting reports about it on Oprah. I trust Oprah and as she told me the acai juice would do me the world of good, I had no choice but to believe her. The acai juice that I buy is delicious and nutritious. It actually feels as if it’s doing me a world of good. Apparently it is the antioxidants in the acai juice that do the most good, but there is lots of other juicy goodness in there as well.

Some of the residents in the areas that harvest the acai fruit rely on the berry in a big way. I’m talking about it making up almost half of their diet and providing all of their income. If I’m feeling this much better just from drinking acai juice imagine what it must be doing to them. Amazing!

Here’s some more info about the acai berry:

Using the acai diet to aid with weight loss

The acai diet is a great way for a person to lose weight and keep that weight off. The reason acai berries are so good at keeping people slim is because they contain unbelievably high levels of amino acids, fiber, fatty acids and phytosterols.


It all sounds too good to be true when you first see these small, black fruits, but acai berries contain more antioxidants than any other fruit – three times as much as blueberries, which fall into second place. Antioxidants play a vital role in slowing the aging process by protecting cells and organs from harmful free radicals. Not only will an acai diet help you look spring fresh, you’ll feel better too.

There are many benefits to adding acai berries to your diet. Acai berries are an extremely powerful antioxidant, they have high levels of fiber and they contain several important minerals. Acai berries also help:

  • Boost energy levels
  • Improve digestive function
  • Provide many important vitamins
  • Minimize inflammation
  • Cleanse and detoxifies the body
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Fight cancerous cells
  • Maintain healthy heart function
  • Prevent atherosclerosis
  • Promote healthier and younger-looking skin
  • Help alleviate diabetes
  • Slow down the aging process
  • Improve circulation
  • Improve mental clarity/focus
  • Enhance sexual desire and performance
  • Normalize and regulates cholesterol levels
  • Promote sound sleep
  • Enhance visual acuity

Fatty acids

Acai berries contain the right kinds of fatty acids – Omega-3 and Omega-6 – to suppress hunger and keep a person’s metabolism high. Fatty acids are an essential part of any person’s diet – and acai berries contain high levels of fatty acids. Not all fats are bad for you and acai berries can easily help a person to lose excess weight and keep it off.


The high level of fiber in acai berries helps the digestive track to move food through the body. This is how excess food is eliminated, which is good because it means it isn’t absorbed into the body only to become fat. Like fatty acids, fiber also helps suppress hunger.

Amino acids

As well as helping us burn fat, acai berries can make us stronger. Acai berries contain a lot of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. These amino acids are essential for helping muscles function properly. As well as that, amino acids also build muscle mass and aid muscles in regeneration after exercise. This can help with weight loss.


In order to help get rid of waste materials and absorb nutrients, the body needs phytosterols, which are the building blocks of cell membranes. These phytosterols are found in high levels in acai berries and they are the building blocks of cell membranes.

Disease-fighting qualities

A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that acai-berry extracts killed off 86% of leukaemia in a test:

“Acai berries are already considered one of the richest fruit sources of antioxidants,” said Stephen Talcott, an assistant professor with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. “This study was an important step toward learning what people may gain from using beverages, dietary supplements or other products made with the berries.”

Why go for acai berries?

Acai berries contain high levels of antioxidants, which have never been more essential. We live in an age of phytoestrogens, chemicals, pesticides, and other harmful environmental toxins. Lots of people are acai converts because the berries aid weight loss, while other people are just happy for the increased energy levels. The disease-fighting qualities of acai berries are also an important factor to consider. There are lots of reasons why you might become a fan of the acai diet. Outside of Brazil, the two most common forms of acai-berry products are:

Acai supplements

The easiest and most convenient way to get your hands on acai berries is by taking acai supplements. Some dodgy dealers push bad products, however. It’s best to stay away from anyone offering free trials that ask you to just pay for shipping, only to charge the buyer an extortionate amount of money. They do these by no disclosing the fact that the buyer signed up for a subscription. The sellers then conveniently make themselves impossible to contact.

However, not everything offering acai supplement is out to steal your money. The best supplement on the market at the moment is Acai Pure, a 100% acai-berry product that contains only the good stuff – and nothing else. Acai Pure is made form high-grade acai powder and is America’s best selling antioxidant cleansing formula. Polls consistently put Acai Pure in the top three acai-berry products on the market.

Acai juice and drinks

Acai-juice products are available in many places. You can probably find them in your local health-food store. However, while this may be convenient, it’s important to know that acai-juice products are often not all they’re cracked up to be. They usually contain high levels of sugar or are diluted with the juice of another fuit. The health benefits are therefore greatly reduced. One of the only products that isn’t diluted is Amazon Thunder.


You can tell Amazon Thunder isn’t diluted because when you pour it out of the bottle, it’s thick like ketchup – more of a paste thank a juice. Amazon Thunder contains nothing but mashed acai berries. This is the best way to get the full benefit of acai berries in the form of a drink. No other product comes close.

Give it a try

Acai berries are the world’s newest superfood and the benefits of an acai diet are many. Don’t believe the hype – try acai berry products for yourself and you’ll be an addict in no time.

3 Responses to “Oprah raves about acai juice”

  1. [...] New York Times, Oprah and food guru Dr. Nicholas Perricone are loading praise on the acai berry and acai juice in [...]

  2. [...] happen to come my way. Acai juice is just one of those fads… or is it? The thing here is that acai juice has actually been shown to be very good for your body and mind. Far from acai being a passing fad, [...]

  3. [...] a bit of a health nut and I’m eager to jump on any new fads that happen to come my way. Acai juice is just one of those fads… or is it? The thing here is that acai juice has actually been [...]

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