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Archive for April, 2009

cell phone signal repeater prevents brain tumor

Written by mohit on Apr 26th, 2009 | Filed under: General

The cell phone industry is growing every year and with the growing of this industry the false claim that their products are safe and do not affect the human body is also increasing day by day. But on the contrary the scientists have been proving them wrong by telling the side effects of the radiations coming out of the cell phone. While you are using the cell phone your voice travels through a cell phone signal antenna with the help of radio frequency radiations (RFR) which lies between 800MHz to 2000MHz which is very high and can affect the human body.
The cell phone emits harmful radiations when they search for signals. Depending on the level of signal receiving from the tower the radiations are weak or strong. If the signals are weak the cell takes more battery or power output and the radiations are strong and if signals are food than less power output is used so the radiations are weak respectively. The strong radiation affects the human body mainly the brain and can cause brain cancer. This is how a cell phone can cause brain cancer. Viewing this situation many experiments have been done on how to reduce these harmful radiations. The major result of this is the Cell Phone Signal Repeater or Cell Phone Signal Amplifier. This device is used to boost the signal strength. The amplifier amplifies the signals or regenerates the signal to about 5 times the original one. Its installation is very simple and once you install this the signals will be high and the cell phone would take less power output so the radiations are minimal. yx500 cell phone signal booster is the most popular and best cell phone booster all over the world. iPhone users need not to worry, there is iBooster to help them, for more information on iBooster you can get iBooster reviews here.
The cell phone signal antenna will regenerate the original signal; it will not produce its own. It will take the low signals and boost them to strong signals. Cell phone signal amplifier comes with an outdoor antenna which picks low signals and transmits them to booster which boosts the signals making them strong.

Acai Berry Juices

Written by Annie on Apr 6th, 2009 | Filed under: General

Finding fresh acai berries outside of the Amazon is practically impossible since the picked berry loses much of what makes it so great within 24 hours or so. Frozen berries can be found at health food stores around the world, but they’re a bit on the costly side. Of course, you can take pills containing acai berry extract, that they’re also expensive and just not as fun. That only leaves acai berry juices.

The good news is that you can find drinks containing acai berry juice in most good supermarkets. These juices are fairly inexpensive, and most of them taste pretty good. The downside is that you need to drink several of them a day to really get all the benefits the acai offers. Some of them also mix the acai with other juices, making it even weaker.

Often, standard grocery stores won’t have a large selection of acai berry juices, so you may end up at a health food specialty store after all. There, you may be able to find pure acai berry juice. Just like frozen berries, pure acai berry juice will be more expensive, especially compared to the weaker juices available at other stores.