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Water Treatment System Removing Hazardous Levels of Arsenic From Drinking Water

Written by admin on Aug 14th, 2009 | Filed under: Business Opportunities
Mayer Fitoussi asked:

Green Nanotechnology

Water treatment system

Removing hazardous levels of arsenic from drinking water

Inventor and entrepreneur’s Mayer Fitoussi .Briefly, Aqua Soft Natural ®

It offers better built, longer lasting, cleaner, safer, and smarter products for the home, for medicine, for transportation, for agriculture, and for industry in general.

Most water is used for industry and agriculture; Aqua Soft Natural ® A high-performance products; powerful modern ceramic magnets; Structurally Modified and Molecularly Infused Water; maximum Contact time to water treatment systems; Green Nanotechnology; inexpensive method for removing hazardous levels of arsenic from drinking water ; reduce harmful levels of arsenic in recycling water; reduce Infectious disease; reduce the risk of cancer; has biochemical function and slows aging; increase in 2-3 DPZ Enzyme levels; increase hemoglobin levels; reduce lactic acid levels; has no chemicals; has no salt and/or Siliphos (phosphate) for softening water ; dismantling chlorine; enhanced water; improves taste ; destroys bacteria; destroys coliform ; destroys algae; destroys virus’s in dairy barn; stimulation of immune system; prevent and cure mastitis in milk cow’s ; increase milk production ; de-scales all pipes/water heater/cooling system/fixtures; preventing salt water to be stick an “mattress” radiator / cooling system for agriculture green hothouse in the desert; no maintains cost;

Because the treatment requires no electricity, residents of developing nations where high levels of arsenic occur naturally in water supplies will be able to easily use it. That would help reduce the risk of cancer for tens of millions of impoverished villagers in China and Southeast Asia, where high levels of arsenic occur naturally in many water supplies. Arsenic contamination is also a threat to water supplies in parts of Latin America, Africa and the United States, where the Environmental Protection Agency this year (2006) reduced allowable levels in municipal water systems to 10 parts per billion, down from 50 parts per billion.

New York Times: A simple way to remove arsenic. Vicki Colvin, director of the university’s Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology, said ” researchers were surprised to find that we didn’t need large electromagnets to move our nanoparticles, and that in some cases hand-held magnets could do the trick.”

Scientist; Professor; Researcher, Dr. Klaus Kronenberg: Permanent magnet materials have been developed in recent decades to be 100 times as strong and much more durable than the old-fashioned magnets made out of steel. In contrast to steel magnets, which weaken with age, modern ceramic magnets do not show any changes with age.

bacteria/algae : under “open loop” (exposed to air, such as cooling towers) brought the bacteria count down from over 4,000 per milliliter to only 4 count per milliliter. Open loop systems are the most difficult. When in a “closed loop” system (pipe), bacteria/algae is much easier to control. Dr. Klaus Kronenberg: “Magnetic Water Treatment can actually make naturally polluted lakes and streams fit to drink and safe”.

Pool & Spa News: Magnetically altered water kills Algae. Algae is controlled, PH is stabilized, minerals are polarized and water is soft and silky”.

Better tasting water: Dr. Klaus J. Kronenberg: ” the chlorine odor of chlorinated water is greatly reduced by effective magnetic treatment. In fact, slight chlorination may become unnoticeable to the average user. Water that comes with a slight sulfur odor loses this smell after being treated with magnetic devices”.

Health News: Scientist, Researcher Professor Israel Lin, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology stated: “the change of water’s properties is the key. The magnetized water increases the solubility of minerals to all parts of the body, making the organism work more efficiently, because of breaking minerals down to the smallest particle size, and reducing “surface tension” of water, makes it a better “carrier” of food and minerals. Testing on Dairy Cows proved a 15% better TDN (total digestible nutrients)”.

The recent investigations have indicated that there are a more number of hexagonal structure at a lower temperature (cold water), 22% at 10% AND 26% at 0 C . The hexagonal water can exist almost 100% at super cooled temperature of –30C to –40C. Also, another factor to increase hexagonal structure of water when the water was magnetized by a powerful magnetic field.

Experiments on magnetized water under various magnetic fields AND various flow conditions of ionic solutions indicate that the effects observed in magnetized water are related to the effects shown by the addition of structure-making ions OR by lowering the temperature.

Most people think we take oxygen only through the air we breathe, but foaming oxygen increased by magnetized water activates the kinetic energy, stimulates the mucous membrane while passing through the stomach, small AND large intestines AND promotes blood circulation to the blood vessels. The oxygen also takes out the toxic gases AND waste in the intestines, which provide a clean intestinal environment as well as clear blood stream.

An excess amount of oxygen existing in the magnetized hexagonal water can easily be absorbed AND penetrated in the blood within 30 seconds, to the brain tissues AND genitals after one minute, to the skin after 10 minutes and, to the liver, heart AND kidney after 20 minutes. The brain accounts for 20% to 30% of total oxygen consumption in our body. Lack of oxygen to the brain may cause one to be lethargic, have a lower attention span, AND over an extended period of anoxemia will certainly lead to dementia AND eventual death.

Lemon juice, vitamin C powder OR other health aid, mix with hexagonal water will be more effective.

Hexagonal water is believed to activate the enzymes that remove the harmful free radical oxygen in the body.

Hexagonal or magnetized water is not a medicine but is an effective medium against certain diseases, playing a preventive medical role in enhancing the resistance AND immunity of the human body AND as such, has the natural healing properties against diseases.

Human Studies (Japan)

A study with the Japanese Olympic Scientific Research Team to test the enhanced water’s ability to remove waste byproducts … in particular, lactic acid. In the study, 25 members of the Japanese Olympic swimming team (13 men and 12 women) were required to swim at an accelerated pace until their heart rates were highly elevated (i.e., 180 beats/minute to 200 beats/minute). Each swimmer was then allowed to rest and given a controlled quantity of either enhanced or tap water to drink. Lactic acid levels were then monitored over time until they had returned to normal. This trial was repeated several times in a crossover, double blind fashion so that each athlete was tested with both enhanced water and tap water but without knowing which water they were drinking. During two months of additional training, the athletes were given the enhanced water on an exclusive basis and monitored for 2-3 DPZ Enzyme (an enzyme critical for the ability of blood to absorb oxygen) and blood hemoglobin levels.

In all test subjects, swimmers were observed to quantitatively reduce lactic acid levels by an average of 50 percent greater with the enhanced water versus tap water. The lactic acid removal rate was also approximately 50 percent faster with the enhanced water than the control tap water. During the testing period, all athletes showed an increase in 2-3 DPZ Enzyme levels and hemoglobin levels when compared with the baseline levels.

“Water that has been Revitalized through Magnetic Treatment is restored to its natural energy”. retains valuable minerals and converts them to a form that increases digestibility. No other system will do this. Improves digestion. Some individuals have a stomach trouble involving digestion. in most cases eliminates this problem. Since this treatment reduces “surface tension” of water, it becomes a better carrier of nutrients”.

“Naturally Soft Water”. Dr. Klaus Kronenberg states: “The positive effects were described as making the water appear to “behave” as if the mineral content was lowered”. Water feels soft and silky.

Reduces the need of soaps ; detergents; shampoo/conditioners; chemicals; chlorine for pools/spa. Dries quicker, eliminates water spots; ends chlorine irritation. Magnetic Water Treatment reduces the surface tension and makes water a better “wetting agent”. It takes about 75% less to do the job because it increases the solubility of the treated water.

De – Scales Pipes and Equipment. Magnetized, by Dr. Klaus Kronenberg: (New Technologies) Not only was formation of scale totally eliminated, the removal of scale deposits in old water pipes could be accomplished in relatively short time.

Michael Keefe (Magnetic Water Conditioner): Every private home can be relieved of water problems by utilizing permanent magnets. The thermal efficiency of hot water heating systems is impaired with scale build-up and corrosion problems. The magnets can thus save energy by keeping heat transfer surfaces free from insulating scale.

Air Conditioning, radiator, Plumbing and Heating: As the water flows through the Aqua Soft Natural ® the hard water minerals are polarized and remain in liquid suspension eliminating the problem of the particles clinging to water pipes, cool radiator and water heater, Essentially, scale forming minerals end up suspended in the water and all prior scale is magnetically attracted to the water. This descaling process is known as the stabilization period and lasts from two to six months.

Reduces Heating Costs: National Air Conditioning; Plumbing and Heating Contractors: 3/8 inch of scale in hot water heaters uses 48% more fuel to heat. When the scale is removed a more efficient water heating system is created. U.S. Bureau of Standards: On the third year, your 40 gallon water heater only hold about 30 gallons (10 gallons of scale) and costs about five times as much to heat. One half inch of scale has a 70% increased fuel cost. Magnetic Water Conditioning, by Michael Keefe: The tangible benefits to the user are preservation and improvement of thermal efficiencies in hot water heaters, which results in energy savings and a reduction of the economic impact of steadily soaring heating costs.