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Nanotechnology for Automotive Lubrication

Written by admin on Aug 5th, 2009 | Filed under: Cars
William Crescenzo CMC/Awci MSME asked:

How and why tungsten nanospheres work:

To start, nano particles (spheres) are hard to imagine. So small, that they can interact with engine lubricant and other matter on a molecular level.

This interaction allows them to become one with both the metal surfaces and the lubricant they are exposed to.

The tungsten component is chemically inert, stable and unaffected by temperatures encountered in application as a lubricant. Tungsten nanospheres will not alter the carrier, exposure to them alters the way the metal of the friction surfaces interact with the lubricant .

Once the metals are exposed to the tungsten component in the carrier fluid, metal to metal friction is dramatically reduced, if not eliminated.

This will increase engine efficiency (gas mileage).

The end result is a dramatic reduction in wear, the friction that causes wear, heat, and power losses. This will also increase gas mileage.


Lower friction (improved lubricity, lower energy costs. )

Measurably better gas mileage , reduce wear, increase efficiency and

increased horsepower.

Lower operating temperatures (as less energy is converted into heat)

Increase in Oil / lubricant life and longer changeovers

High Load bearing property means Reduction in wear of mating parts

Offers increased corrosion resistance

Does not clog oil or fuel filters as .5 micron particles easily pass thru filter.

Characteristics :

Nanoparticles are defined as any particle with a size less then 100 nanometer (0.1 micronmeter).

When materials are made into nanoparticles, their reactivity increases. Nanoparticles have a very high surface area to volume ratio, due to this, a higher percentage of atoms (in nanoparticles) can interact with other matter. Therefore, the surface area (measured in square meters per gram) is the most important unit of measure for nanoparticles.The higher the surface area,the higher the lubricity.

Tungsten nanospheres as applied to engine lubrication:

Tungsten nanoparticles are one of the most expensive and highly developed lubricant additives available today.

Nano technology, as applied to lubricant additives, suspends the tungsten spheres in the circulating lubricant. This allows the tungsten component to be applied to all metal bearing surfaces, as well as cylinder walls, pistons and piston rings.

The important characteristic of nanoparticles, is that they bond to the metal friction surfaces. Essentially “plating” them, preventing metal – to metal contact. Tungsten is one of the most wear – resistant substances known to man.

Tungsten is temperature resistant far beyond what is encountered in any automotive application.

Nanotechnology for Horology

Written by admin on Aug 2nd, 2009 | Filed under: Cars
William Crescenzo CMC/Awci MSME asked:

The principles of augmenting a lubricant for horological applications have many different good reasons. Due to the demands imposed upon clock oils by virtue of the sheer lack of lubricant quantity, the continual exposure to the drying and oxidizing effects of the open air that the lubricants operate in, eventual failure is an inevitability.

Augmentation of a lubricant by incorporating nanotechnology has nothing but a positive impact on it’s performance.

Suspended nanoparticles of tungsten function in a similar fashion to the well – known “moly” additives and graphite used in the past. The scale of the tungsten particles renders them non abrasive and tungsten does not change the metallurgy of the base metals at all. The size of nanoparticles makes the dramatic difference in their ability to actually react on a molecular level compared to moly and graphite.

Nanoparticles have a greater surface area to volume ratio than larger, conventional bits of matter. This allows for more interaction with the metals and the lubricants present.

Surfaces treated with tungsten particles present with less friction under load than ones only exposed to standard lubricants. Clock oils and grease serve not only as lubricants, but when augmented by tungsten nanospheres, serve as a vehicle to transport the tungsten component anywhere friction occurs.

Even when the carrier lubricant fails to function as a lubricant due to oxidation, the tungsten component will still provide lubrication.

The tungsten particles, once exposed to a friction surface, benefit it until it is mechanically abraded away. The pressures endured by horological lubricants do not remove the tungsten component. The tungsten component is rated at 330000 psi.

The quality lubricants used with tungsten nanospheres have a proven record of performance . Adding the tungsten component does not affect the lubricant, just how the friction surfaces interact with each other.

This effect is observed by observing balance action, pendulum motion, noting the “feel” when winding, strike and chime speed, end motion of the different shafts of the movement.

All of these tangible indicators will be noticeably different after exposure to the tungsten component.

Wear is greatly reduced and all aspects of the machines performance are improved.