
Nanotechnology News

Archive for the ‘Health’ Category : Performance and Future Outlook of Nanotechnology Industry Globally

Written by admin on Sep 21st, 2009 | Filed under: Health
Bharat Book Bureau asked:

Nanotechnology Market Forecast Report ( ) provides the information about the emerging trends of Nanotechnology Market.

Nanotechnology is going to pave the way for a revolution in materials, information and communication technology, medicine, genetics and so on as it starts moving from the laboratories to new markets. It helps to improve products and production processes with better characteristics or new functionalities. In coming years, products based on nanotechnology are expected to impact nearly all-industrial sectors and will enter the consumer markets in large quantities. Considering the future prospects of nanotechnology, countries across the world are investing heavily in this sector.

The global market for nanotechnologies is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 20% till 2013. “Nanotechnology Market Forecast to 2013”  report also projects that market for nanotechnology incorporated in manufactured goods will worth US$ 1.6 Trillion, representing a CAGR of more than 49% in the forecast period (2009-2013). This growth will largely be driven by massive investment in nanotechnology R&D by both governments and corporates across the world.

According to our report findings, at the regional level, the Asia-Pacific region will experience the fastest growth in market for nanotechnology enabled goods, with CAGR pegged at around 52% in the forecast period, followed by Europe. The recent moves by the emerging markets such as India, China and Russia in the field of nanotechnology research and development will continue to the most prominent factors behind the growth in these countries.

Our updated and detailed research report evaluates  an overview of emerging trends. The report has segmented the nanotechnology market by application and R&D investment. It discusses the nanotechnology market by key countries showing their prominence in the sector together with the emerging nations in the domain. Besides, the report covers various growth potential areas in the nanotechnology market at the global level.


Contact us at :

Bharat Book Bureau





Study Uncovers Mesothelioma Link to Nanotechnology

Written by admin on Sep 10th, 2009 | Filed under: Health
Katie Kelley asked:

Mesothelioma has long been linked to the inhalation and exposure to asbestos fibers and dust, so when scientists uncovered an additional potential cause for this incurable form of lung cancer, the unthinkable became a reality.

According to researchers based out of the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars in Washington D.C., the early 90’s development of carbon nanotubes has been an amazing feat for technological applications, however, it has not gone without its price. Specifically, carbon nanotubes may be causing harm to the human body in the form of mesothelioma cancer.

If the carbon nanotubes are introduced into the wrong environment, the development of lesions and inflammation of the lungs occurs – symptoms similar to that of mesothelioma cancer and asbestos exposure. Researchers uncovered the finding through exposure of carbon nanotubes to animals.

Dr. Andrew Maynard, who published a study in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, described the use of nanotubes and the potential link to mesothelioma cancer. He said that currently, nanotubes are being implemented because of their awesome abilities at conducting heat and electricity. Mostly, Dr. Maynard explains, the nanotubes are being implemented into sports equipment. He said that there are no regulations as to where nanotubes can be implemented and there are currently no requirements for the use of nanotubes to be disclosed to the general public.

What Are Nanotubes?

According to Maynard, nanotubes are a product of nanotechnology research, one he considers the “poster child” of nanotechnology. The nanotubes are cylindrical structures comprised of carbon atoms that have been rolled together. Maynard’s study found that when mice were exposed to nanotubes, they developed asbestos-induced symptoms within the lungs. While he and other researchers consider nanotubes to be safe – when encased – the risk occurs when nanotubes are incinerated or broken.

Nanotubes are currently being used in:

* a variety of sports equipment

* bicycle frames

* tennis rackets

* electronic gas detectors

* radios

Additionally, because of the strength of nanotubes, many consider its future use to vastly effect several business ventures and areas, and be widely used in industries including:

* aerospace

* automobile

* airplanes

* television box productions

* medical

* environmental uses

Working with Nanotubes

While the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is doing research on nanotoxicology, there is little knowledge or research currently available regarding the safety of using nanotechnology. Additionally, Dr. Maynard noted that because of the ever-increasing nanotechnology industry, which is likely to be worth $2.6 trillion by 2014, it will be difficult to adequately and accurately assess nanotechnology safety because of the technology’s quick growth, which is also being used in the food industry.

Transparency of nanotoxicology among some nanotechnologically-produced products may fall into the hands of manufacturers and producers, which John M. Balbus, health program chief for the Environmental Defense Fund who was interviewed in a Washington Post article on nanotechnology, said could either be a very good thing with open communications, or a very bad thing replicating the mistakes made among the construction industry’s use of asbestos. However, he noted that upfront communication regarding the dangers of nanotechnology with the public may increase because of the previous mistakes made by other industries in hiding mesothelioma conditions from the public.

Finding Help with Nanotube Related Mesothelioma

Individuals, especially nanotube factory workers who have previously worked with carbon nanotubes or have been exposed to the potential dangers associated with the nanotubes and developing mesothelioma should receive medical attention immediately.

It may also become necessary for these individuals to locate a law firm with knowledge of mesothelioma-related litigation in order to develop a mesothelioma lawsuit.

Because of the nature of the industry and the continued funding flooding into carbon nanotube research it is important to develop a lawsuit that will also alert others, in a similar predicament, and provide aware of the potentially serious health risks associated with nanotechnology. Further, because only 5 percent of the funding, which consists of billions of dollars annually, provided by the National Nanotechnology Institute is going toward health and safety research, it is important for individuals with nanotube-induced mesothelioma to develop a lawsuit that may offer monetary compensation to victims suffering from this irreversible and deadly lung cancer. : Performance and Future Outlook of Nanotechnology Industry Globally

Written by admin on Sep 2nd, 2009 | Filed under: Health
bharatbook asked:

Nanotechnology Market Forecast Report ( ) provides the information about the emerging trends of Nanotechnology Market.

Nanotechnology is going to pave the way for a revolution in materials, information and communication technology, medicine, genetics and so on as it starts moving from the laboratories to new markets. It helps to improve products and production processes with better characteristics or new functionalities. In coming years, products based on nanotechnology are expected to impact nearly all-industrial sectors and will enter the consumer markets in large quantities. Considering the future prospects of nanotechnology, countries across the world are investing heavily in this sector.

The global market for nanotechnologies is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 20% till 2013. “Nanotechnology Market Forecast to 2013”  report also projects that market for nanotechnology incorporated in manufactured goods will worth US$ 1.6 Trillion, representing a CAGR of more than 49% in the forecast period (2009-2013). This growth will largely be driven by massive investment in nanotechnology R&D by both governments and corporates across the world.

According to our report findings, at the regional level, the Asia-Pacific region will experience the fastest growth in market for nanotechnology enabled goods, with CAGR pegged at around 52% in the forecast period, followed by Europe. The recent moves by the emerging markets such as India, China and Russia in the field of nanotechnology research and development will continue to the most prominent factors behind the growth in these countries.

Our updated and detailed research report evaluates  an overview of emerging trends. The report has segmented the nanotechnology market by application and R&D investment. It discusses the nanotechnology market by key countries showing their prominence in the sector together with the emerging nations in the domain. Besides, the report covers various growth potential areas in the nanotechnology market at the global level.


Contact us at :

Bharat Book Bureau





Using Science to Determine Clean Water’s Social Impact

Written by admin on Aug 20th, 2009 | Filed under: Health
michaelrussell asked:

Science usually yields scientific results — statistics, formulas, analysis. But what happens when these results are tested in a different environment? What happens when scientists studying methods to improve the globe’s clean water supply put their findings in a social context? For one thing, new insights arise, demonstrating, with greater importance, that clean water is essential to health.

This doesn’t just cover physical health, either. It mean stronger social communities and schools, stronger government and health care. Clean water touched so many sides of society that not having it seems remarkable. When scientists use the latest technology and apply it to social settings, we see why.

Recently nanotechnology has emerged as the favorite for science’s efforts to clean the world’s water supply. 

The single most important application of nanotechnology could be solving the global shortage of clean water – benefiting people in both industrialized and developing countries significantly.

A new podcast explores how Eric Hoek and his engineering research team at the University of California at Los Angeles, developed a new membrane using nanoparticles that promises to dramatically reduce the cost and energy needed to desalinate seawater and clean wastewater. In the near term, these membranes could work in municipal desalination plants in water-thirsty areas, such as those planned for the California coastline. In the future, this groundbreaking technology can be adapted to meet the clean water needs of poor countries and people who rely on low cost, decentralized water treatment systems.

Once these technologies are implemented, social groups high and low will enjoy an improved life. Culture and science go hand in hand not just because one makes the other better, but because they both thrive off of each other. They work like two neighbors building a fence — together, sharing resources, anything can be achieved. Through the advancements of science and the strength of social settings, clean water can be achieved — and in our lifetime.

Medical Nanotechnology Markets

Written by admin on Aug 9th, 2009 | Filed under: Health
Bharat Book Bureau asked:

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Medical Nanotechnology Markets

Nanotechnology has reached critical mass. Nowhere is this more evident than in medicine. Rising medical costs, demands for less-invasive procedures and pressures for immediate feedback of medical conditions, all point to nanotechnology as offering a new approach in healthcare. According to U.S. National Science Foundation estimates, by 2015 the annual global market for nano-related goods and services will top $1 trillion, thus making it one of the fastest-growing industries in history. Assuming that these figures prove to be accurate, nanotechnology will emerge as a larger economic force than the combined telecommunications and information technology industries at the beginning of the technology boom of the late 1990s. ( )

This report covers the specific segments of the medical nanotechnology markets, with particular emphasis on those segments where this emerging technology is or shows the potential to be most impactful. Nanotechnology, a field of science and technology that aims to control matter at the atomic, molecular and macromolecular level, potentially has far-reaching and paradigm-shifting implications for biology, drug discovery and medical technologies. The discipline has already yielded healthcare discoveries that have been used for drug delivery and diagnostic purposes. In this study, we describe various nanotechnologies under development for biological and medical purposes and assess their potential. Moreover, this analysis is arranged to provide an overview of the regulatory issues faced by the medical nanotechnology industry and focuses on how specific segments within the industry are poised for high future growth.

Key chapters of the report are as follows :

1 Overview 6

2 Medical Products (Drugs, Devices and Nutraceuticals) Nanotechnology Markets 13

3 Medical and Life Science Nanotechnology Markets 32

4 Technology Issues 48

5 Business Trends 74

6 Technology Assessment 96

7 Medical Nanotechnology Market Regulation and Reimbursement 128

8 Corporate Profiles 146

9 Appendix: Nanotechnology References 174

10 Appendix: Glossary of Terms in Nanotechnology 175

11 Appendix: NNI Centers and Networks of Excellence 180

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