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The Super, Super food: Acai Berry

Written by Annie on Jan 29th, 2009 | Filed under: General

If blue berries and red grapes are a super food, then it could be said that the acai berry is a super, super food. Dr. Nicholas Perricone — in his book the Perricone promise — tells us that the antioxidant properties of the acai berry alone place it up there with the most beneficial foods known to man. When you combine these antioxidant properties with the other nutrition and goodness that the little berry gives us, then you’re onto a winner.

The effects of antioxidants on the body are well known and well documented: it is said that the French stay alive longer than the rest of us because they drink red wine which contains — you guessed it — lots of antioxidants. The good effects of amino acids on the body are not so well documented, however, and it often surprises people how much good the amino acids in acai berry can do for us.

Amino acids are great for metabolism, and this is one of the reasons why acai is so great for people on a diet.

Amino acids are also essential as the building blocks for protein, which is essentially a long string of amino acids joined together.

The acai berry is a super food on the strength of its antioxidant properties alone: when you bring the other benefits into the equation, it is easy to see why this is a super, super food.

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